Thanks to all who've sent in post cards and e-mail! Your kind words and constructive suggestions have made SunBlock a better product! A special thanks to those who've sent in their shareware fees - thanks for your support! Your payment entitles you to this version, as well as any subsequent versions of SunBlock!
This is becoming a familiar litany, but please bear with me. I've had a few requests for black and white capability for SunBlock. I haven't had the time to devote to that task, and I apologize that it's still not included in this version. I promise to get to it eventually!
• Disabled the "Force Quit" command (Apple-Option-Esc key combination), making the password protection system more secure. (Thanks to Jim Luther for the compiled code to make this work.)
• Added dual-screen capability, so that SunBlock will work with two-monitor systems. (Thanks to Richard Farrell for the bug report, and debugging assistance.)
• Fixed a problem with System 6 capability. I don't know if there are any others, but I don't think so... (Thanks to Vicki Murrell for the bug report.)
• Added two more modules, for a total of 18:
- Warp Drive, a trip through hyperspace (?) Works best on 68040 machines, though it will work on slower machines (Thanks to Richard Farrell for the idea)
- Splats! Expresses your rage at the computer by throwing a random assortment of pies, tomatoes, eggs, etc., at the screen. (Thanks to my CyByrSoft partner in crime, Jim Byer, for the original idea, and artwork.)
• Corrected a bug introduced into version 2.2, where the arrow/help keys caused a program crash under certain conditions. Changed the operation of the delete key to ensure non-visible characters were not embedded in the password. (Thanks to Foto Ron on AOL for the bug report)
• Added default button highlighting when the return/enter key is pressed
• Fixed a minor bug that caused the password quit dialog box to not be properly erased from the screen when an incorrect password was entered, under certain configurations.
Try SunBlock for 10 days. If you like it, and want to keep using it, I ask that you pay for it. Please send your $5.00 payment to:
Brian Cyr
415 Long Hill Ave
Shelton, CT 06484
Purchase orders are welcomed, as are requests for volume discounts/site licensing. Contact me for details.
If you don't think SunBlock is worth $5.00, I'd appreciate hearing why! Drop me a line and let me know what you think! I always appreciate constructive suggestions, praise, criticisms, etc. Send them to the address above, or to either of the e-mail addresses below:
AOL: Cyrano B
See the attached file "SunBlock Docs" for program instructions and more details.